The ready availability of welfare support in New Zealand is not necessarily a bad thing. There are times when a person or family is genuinely in strife, and need a temporary hand up. These are people who would prefer to be working, but for one reason or another, cannot. This happens at times, and I am glad that this safety net is there!
There are other people, people who do not take such a view of the benefit. Every so often you get someone who is determined to live perpetually by grabbing the hard earned tax money of decent New Zealander's. Not only would the proposed policy provide ample opportunity for those who would to take undue advantage of the system, it would also place extreme stress on the financial well being of the entire country!
It is a relief to hear, therefore, that the government has decided not to even entertain the idea. It makes you think that their may be some people in the Beehive that actually exercise the muscle ensconced inside their skull!
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