Saturday, September 12, 2009

Naive or Just Plain Stupid?

"I'm a hottie"; "Available"; "I want it now"; "Call Me"; and "I'm Waiting".

Looking at this list of phrases, you could be forgiven for thinking that it came from a filthy magazine, advertising a bunch of down and out prostitutes. However, sadly, this list of phrases did not come from a book- I wish it had. This list did in fact, come directly off the tee-shirts I have seen many of our nation's little girls wearing.

Maybe I am a little naive. Maybe this is ok. Just maybe it's normal for seven, eight, and nine year old girls to be advertising themselves to the boys and men of our society as available for sex. Maybe, as parents, we no longer have a responsibility to our children to protect them from the predators that are out there looking for an excuse prey on one of these precious young children.

How stupid can a parent or caregiver be? "It's their right to wear what they want." Rubbish! I have a daughter of my own, and Hell would freeze over before she wore anything remotely like this, while she lives under my roof. We are teaching our children that it's ok to be sexually and morally loose, right from the word go. Not only does it condition our little girls to think it's normal to be that way, it also enables our boys and young men to think that any young girls is an available target, and she "wants it"- it said so on her tee-shirt.

Maybe I'm just being too old fashioned. Maybe it is ok to be sexually promiscuous, without any shame at all. Or maybe it's time some people stood up and declared they would not go that way. Maybe we could pull our nation out of the depths of despair by some people deciding they were going to look at the way we were a century ago, and work at getting our moral standards back to that. Maybe there is no hope.

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